
Greg Ewing: Surf Photographer

Beyond The Frame

Welcome to another episode of Surf Bank's Beyond The Frame where we dive into the captivating world of surf and ocean photography, going beyond mesmerising captures exploring the backstory of many talented photographers. In this episode we will be hearing from Greg Ewing a semi retired surf photographer with many stories to tell covering surf spots around the world, well known for his work in Africa! Beyond the frame aims to inspire and inform future surf photographers and ocean lovers being your backstage pass to detailed insights from the minds behind stunning surf shots.

Greg Ewing Gallery

What Came First, Surfing or Photography?

Though I showed some interest in photography as a teenager, surfing definitely came first.

How Did You Get Into Surf Photography?

Though the seed was probably subconsciously planted by my addiction to surf magazines as a teenager, I had no idea what I planned to do with my life after school besides surf everyday. My mother knew a studio photographer at her church and after doing an internship with him I took that together with my love for surf and desire to see the world and worked towards becoming a surf photographer.

Where Do You Normally Shoot?

For roughly 10 years I dedicated a lot of my efforts to documenting surf in Africa. From the usual destinations like Namibia and Morocco to pretty wild trips to Nigeria and the Congo and a lot in between.

Photo By Greg Ewing

Where Do You Shoot? Water or Land?

I think as a surf photographer you need to do both. A lot of guys specialize or are better at one but being an editorial photographer it was important to be able to come back from an assignment with a great line up, water shots, land action, even lifestyle to fill a 10 page feature.

What Makes The Perfect Image?

The perfect surf image needs to tell a story and needs to make you stop and think, whether in awe, fear or desire to be there.

How Did You Become So Involved In The Surf Scene?

After shooting for many years I eventually became staff photographer at Zigzag Surfing Magazine in South Africa, two stints as photo editor and I'm currently consulting editor.

Do You Have A Favourite Photographer That Has Inspired You?

There are a few, Art Brewer, Ted Grambeau, Jeff Divine, Lance Slabbert. Legends of the Surf Industry.

What's Your Biggest Challenge To Overcome When Shooting?

There are so many. My take on surf photography has always been travel and it's no small task getting the funding, surfers, researching the destination, pulling the trigger, getting a swell, good light, dealing with an unknown break then getting and enough A-Grades to justify the effort and investment.

Photo By Greg Ewing

Greg's Equipment List

Camera & Lenses

Greg always shoots with his Canon 1d x attached with the 15mm Fish Eye/600 f4 lenses. Not to forget his trusty old Del Mar Housing paired with a yellow pelican case, if that thing goes overboard, you want to see it!

Greg's Favourite Shot Taken

Photo By Greg Ewing

Favourite Trips

There are honestly so many, from discovering crazy waves in Madagascar, to shooting Skeleton Bay long before the crowds. AK 47s in Nigeria, Malaria in Mozambique. Skunked in the Maldives to 10ft. Not to forget incredible missions to the subcontinent and the Andamans. That was once in a lifetime stuff. So blessed! I am forever grateful for all the opportunities i've had, the places I traveled to and the amazing and beautiful people I met along there way. Thank you!

Greg's Future Plans

I very much jokingly say im retired from shooting and I currently run and own Ocean Collective an ocean art gallery selling and promoting surf art in the photographic form.

Follow @gregewing

You can keep up to date with Greg's new projects and recent captures on his Instagram, as well as browse his prints at Ocean Collectives below:

Do You Want To Be Involved In Beyond The Frame?

Are you a surf photographer wanting your story told? You may be our next Beyond The Frame feature! Please get in touch with us over email so we can get a conversation going:

Photo By Greg Ewing

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