
How Much Water is on Earth in 2024!

The earth is 71% water and 29% percent land due to the world's oceans covering the majority of the planet. 

But just how much water is on earth? How much is 71%?

Let’s get into it!

How Much Water Is on Earth in 2024?

How much water is on earth is about 1.332 billion cubic kilometres (km³) of water, encompassing oceans, lakes, rivers, groundwater, and atmospheric water vapour.

How Much Water is on Earth in Litres?

The total volume of water on Earth is approximately 1.332 × 10^21 litres which is 1,332,000,000,000,000,000,000 litres.

For You Visual Learners! How much water is on earth?

Distribution of How Much Water is on Earth

Oceans (Saline)

The world's oceans, containing saline water, contribute a vast 1,338,000,000 cubic kilometres to Earth's total water volume.

Ice Caps and Glaciers (Fresh)

Ice caps and glaciers, primarily composed of freshwater, account for 24,064,000 cubic kilometres of Earth's water resources.

Groundwater (Fresh and Saline)

The combined volume of fresh and saline groundwater amounts to 23,400,000 cubic kilometres, playing a crucial role in Earth's water distribution.

Streams, Lakes, Swamps (Fresh)

Freshwater sources such as streams, lakes, and swamps contribute 104,590 cubic kilometres to the planet's water supply.

Lakes (Saline)

Saline lakes contribute to Earth's water balance with a volume of 85,400 cubic kilometres.

Other--Soil, Atmosphere, Biosphere (Fresh)

Various sources like soil, the atmosphere, and the biosphere collectively contribute 330,520 cubic kilometres of fresh water to the Earth's overall water content.

Possible Water Reservoirs Inside Earth 

Potential water reservoirs within the Earth include vast underground aquifers, hidden pockets of groundwater, and potentially water-rich minerals deep within the Earth's mantle. 

These reservoirs play a crucial role in sustaining life and influencing geological processes. Unravelling the mysteries of these subterranean water sources is an ongoing area of scientific exploration.

Percentage of Land & Water on Earth

Approximately 29% of Earth's surface is land, while the remaining 71% is covered by water, primarily in the form of oceans, seas, lakes, and rivers. Additionally, within 29% of Earth's land, diverse ecosystems, continents, and geographical features contribute to the planet's environmental richness and habitat variety.

This 71% of water is what gives us surfers the opportunity to surf waves around the world, with that amount of the water on the earth no wonder 100ft waves can form!

Is there more land under water on Earth?

No, there is more land above water on Earth. The continents make up the majority of the Earth's surface, with underwater features like ocean basins containing a smaller percentage.

Drinkable Water: How much water is on Earth

About 2.5% of Earth's water is freshwater, but only a fraction of that—roughly 0.3%—is readily accessible as surface water in lakes, rivers, and swamps, making it suitable for drinking.

What percentage of Earth's water is saltwater

Approximately 97.5% of Earth's water is saltwater, found in the oceans and seas, making it unsuitable for direct human consumption without desalination processes.

Variability of Water Availability

Water availability varies globally, with regions experiencing scarcity and abundance influenced by factors such as climate, precipitation patterns, and human consumption. 

This variability poses challenges for sustainable water management, emphasising the importance of understanding and addressing local and regional water resource dynamics.

Is There Water in Earth's Mantle?

Scientific evidence suggests the presence of water in Earth's mantle, stored in minerals like ringwoodite and wadsleyite. 

This discovery has implications for our understanding of Earth's internal processes and the water cycle, highlighting the complex interplay between the planet's surface and its deep subsurface regions.

Summing It Up: What To Do Now

Great! Now next time you set eyes on the deep blue you will know just how much water is on earth in 2024.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Earth 97% water?

No, Earth is not 97% water. Approximately 71% of its surface is covered by water.

How much of Earth's total volume is water?

Water constitutes about 0.023% of Earth's total volume.

When was Earth 100% water?

Earth has never been 100% water. In its early stages, it was a molten mass, and water accumulated later through processes like comet impacts.

How much water is on Earth?

Earth has 1.332 billion cubic kilometres (km³) of water.

Is there a finite amount of water on Earth?

Yes, there is a finite amount of water on Earth. The total amount remains relatively constant; it undergoes processes like the water cycle but doesn't significantly increase or decrease.

What if Earth was 100% water?

If Earth were 100% water, life as we know it would be impossible. The diverse ecosystems and habitats that support life rely on a combination of land and water.

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