
7 Steps How To Wax A Foam Surfboard With Video

We all know you need to wax your surfboard, but what about when you wax a foam surfboard?

The short answer is, it’s the same as any surfboard!

Well, it’s not exactly the same. This article will guide you through how to wax a foam surfboard.

How Do You Wax A Foam Surfboard?

To wax a foam surfboard, choose foam-specific surf wax, apply it in a diagonal pattern while ensuring even distribution, and then use a wax comb to create texture for improved grip.

When you wax a foam surfboard ensure you use the best surf wax available so you can guarantee there will be no slips or falls.

In Detail How To Wax A Foam Surfboard

Materials Needed To Wax a Foam Surfboard

  • Surf Wax
  • A Wax Comb
  • A Towel
Video How To Wax a Foam Surfboard

Step 1: Clean the Surfboard Deck

Before applying wax, ensure that the foam deck of your surfboard is clean and free of any sand, dirt, or old wax. Use fresh water to rinse the deck and remove any loose particles. You can also use a wet towel or cloth to wipe the deck clean.

Step 2: Choose the Right Wax

Select a surf wax that is specifically designed for foam surfboards. These waxes are formulated to provide excellent traction on foam decks and are available in various temperature-specific options to match your local water conditions (e.g., tropical, warm, or cold water wax).

Step 3: Apply a Base Coat (Optional)

For a brand-new or freshly cleaned foam deck, you can choose to apply a base coat of wax. This base coat ensures that the topcoat adheres better and provides a good foundation for grip. If you decide to apply a base coat, rub the wax in a circular motion over the entire deck.

Step 4: Apply the Topcoat

When you wax a foam surfboard the topcoat is the main layer of wax that will give you the traction you need. Follow these steps to apply it:

Hold the wax against the deck with moderate pressure, and rub it in a diagonal or crosshatch pattern. This crisscross pattern ensures an even distribution of wax and better traction.

Apply the wax using long, firm strokes, moving from the nose (front) of the board towards the tail (back).

Be thorough in your wax application, covering the entire deck. Pay special attention to the areas where your feet will be placed, including the centre, tail, and sometimes the rails. Check out these surf wax patterns to create beautiful design on your board.

Step 5: Texture the Wax

After applying the topcoat, use the wax comb to create texture on the surface. Drag the comb's teeth through the wax in a diagonal pattern to form small ridges and peaks. This texture enhances grip and minimises slippage.

Step 6: Check the Wax

Run your hand lightly over the waxed deck to ensure it feels adequately grippy. You should feel the texture and resistance from the wax. If certain areas feel less grippy, you can apply additional wax to those spots and retexture them with the wax comb.

Step 7: Maintain Your Wax

As you surf, your wax will wear down, so it's important to monitor its condition. Reapply wax as needed to maintain the desired level of grip. You can add more wax to the areas where it wears off the quickest, typically where your feet make the most contact with the deck.

With these steps, your foam surfboard should have a properly waxed deck, providing the necessary traction for a safe and enjoyable surfing experience.

How To Wax a Foam Surfboard For The First Time

When you wax a foam surfboard for the first time can be a bit of an art form, and it's important to take your time to do it right. The initial application is crucial as it sets the foundation for future waxing. When you're new to it, remember that it's better to apply a little less wax initially rather than overdoing it.

You can always add more if needed.

Ensure that the wax is evenly distributed across the entire deck, with a little extra attention to the areas where your feet will be placed. The diagonal or crisscross pattern helps maintain consistency in your wax coverage.

The goal is to achieve a balance between grip and smoothness when you first wax a foam surfboard, allowing your feet to move comfortably on the board while still providing the necessary traction for control.

Regular maintenance, including reapplying wax when needed and occasionally checking the texture, will ensure that your foam surfboard is always ready for your next adventure.

Does a Foam Surfboard Need Wax?

Yes, to wax a foam surfboard is common practice to provide traction and grip on the board, preventing you from slipping while riding waves.

However, whether a foam surfboard needs wax depends on the specific texture of the deck. Some foam surfboards, particularly soft top surfboards, come with a textured, non-slip deck designed to eliminate the need for wax.

These boards are excellent for beginners as they offer stability and grip right out of the box. If your foam surfboard has a smooth or less grippy surface, applying wax can enhance your traction and make your rides more enjoyable.

Ensure you know what surf wax is made of!

What is a Soft Top Surfboard?

A soft top surfboard is a type of surfboard specifically designed to be beginner-friendly and provide a safe and forgiving experience for those learning to surf.

What sets soft tops apart is their foam deck, which is soft to the touch, making it less prone to causing injuries. These boards are typically recognised by their buoyancy and stability, which are crucial for beginners.

The foam deck also offers a degree of cushioning, making wipe outs less painful. Soft top surfboards are an excellent choice for surfers who are new to the sport, as they offer both safety and an easier learning curve.

Are Soft Top Surfboards and Foam Surfboards the Same?

Soft top surfboards and foam surfboards are often used interchangeably because soft tops are essentially a type of foam surfboard. Foam surfboards, as a broad category, include various types of surfboards with foam cores.

The key difference is that soft top surfboards are distinct in that they feature a soft, textured deck that offers improved grip and safety.

Traditional foam surfboards, on the other hand, may have a smooth foam surface that necessitates waxing for traction. So, while they share the foam core, the defining feature of a soft top surfboard is the soft, textured deck, which makes them particularly suitable for beginners.

Do Soft Top Surfboards Need Wax?

Soft top surfboards typically have a unique deck surface that's designed to provide traction and grip without the need for wax.

This textured surface, often made of EVA foam, is comfortable to stand on and helps prevent slipping, even when the board is wet.

Soft top surfboards are especially popular among beginners because they eliminate the hassle of waxing. So, in short, soft top surfboards do not usually need wax. However, it's essential to inspect your board's deck to ensure it's in good condition, as worn or damaged deck material can affect grip.

If your soft top board's deck becomes damaged or smooth over time, you can consider applying a traction pad as an alternative to wax.

How to Make a Foam Surfboard Less Slippery

If you're using a foam surfboard, and it feels too slippery, there are a few things you can do to improve traction. One option is to apply a traction pad or deck grip to your board.

These are adhesive pads with textured surfaces that you can place on the deck to enhance grip.

Additionally, some surfers use surf wax designed for foam boards, even if their board has a textured deck, for that extra bit of grip. It's essential to clean and prep the deck before applying any adhesive traction pads. Remember to position the pad where your feet typically rest for the best results.

How Often Do You Need to Wax a Surfboard?

The frequency of waxing your surfboard depends on various factors, including the water temperature, the type of wax you use, and how often you surf. When you wax a foam surfboard the frequency will be a lot less compared to a fibreglass board.

In general, you may need to reapply wax when you notice that the board is becoming less grippy. For tropical or warm-water conditions, you might need to wax your board more frequently, as wax can melt or wear off quicker. Conversely, in colder waters, the wax can last longer.

It's a good practice to inspect your board before each surf session to ensure it's adequately waxed for optimal traction. Some surfers also apply a base coat or a new layer of topcoat wax for added grip as needed.

How to Repair a Soft Top Surfboard

Soft top surfboards are known for their durability, but they can still get damaged. Here's a basic guide on how to repair your soft top surfboard:

Clean the damaged area: Start by cleaning the damaged area with fresh water to remove any sand or debris. Let it dry completely.

Assess the damage: Evaluate the extent of the damage. Small dings and scratches can often be repaired with epoxy resin. For larger cracks or breaks, you might need a foam repair kit.

Epoxy resin repair: For minor dings, apply a marine-grade epoxy resin to fill the damaged area. Follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully. Sand the repaired area smooth after the epoxy cures.

Foam repair kit: If the damage is more extensive, consider using a foam repair kit designed for soft top surfboards. These kits typically include foam filler, sandpaper, and instructions for patching holes and cracks.

Smooth and re-texture: After any repair, it's important to sand the repaired area smooth and, if necessary, re-texture it to match the rest of the deck. This helps maintain the soft top's non-slip surface.

Best Wax for Foam Surfboard

When you wax a foam surfboard, it's essential to select the right type of wax for your specific needs. Look for surf wax specifically designed for soft top or foam surfboards.

These waxes are formulated to provide excellent traction on foam decks. Brands like Sticky Bumps and FCS make soft top-specific wax that's known for its effectiveness. Make sure to apply the wax evenly and in a crosshatch pattern for optimal grip.

Sticky Bumps Soft Top Wax

Sticky Bumps is a popular and trusted brand in the world of surf wax.

They offer a specific soft top wax designed for when you wax a foam surfboard. This wax is known for its durability and reliability in providing excellent traction.

When applying Sticky Bumps soft top wax, ensure your board is clean and dry. Apply the wax generously in a crisscross pattern to achieve maximum grip.

How to Clean Wax Off a Soft Top Surfboard

When you wax a foam surfboard/soft top you need to consider removing the wax too. Cleaning wax off a soft top surfboard is a simple process:

Gather your materials: You'll need a wax comb, a towel, and a scraper. Wax combs are designed for removing wax effectively.

Warm the wax: If the wax is cold or hard, use the sun or a hairdryer to soften it. This makes it easier to remove.

Scrape off the wax: Use the wax comb or scraper to gently lift the wax off the deck. Work in sections until all the wax is removed.

Wipe clean: Use a towel to wipe off any remaining residue. Make sure the deck is clean and free of wax before applying a new coat.

These sections should provide comprehensive guidance on repairing soft top surfboards, choosing the right wax, and maintaining your board's deck. If you have more subheadings or need further information, please let me know.

Summing It Up: What To Do Now

There you go! Now you know how to wax a foam surfboard you can enter the water with confidence. If you're a visual learner and are still unsure check out this helpful guide to wax a foam surfboard.

If your interested in learning more about surfing discover our many guides that will inform you on your surfing journey. Don't forget to follow us on Facebook & Instagram to stay informed on our amazing surf shots and stories shared from surf creators around the world!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I wax a foam surfboard?

Yes, you can wax a foam surfboard. If your foam board has a smooth or less grippy deck, applying surf wax can enhance traction.

Do you put wax on Foamies?

Yes, you can put wax on foam surfboards, also known as "Foamies," to improve traction on the deck

How do you maintain a foam surfboard?

Maintain a foam surfboard by regularly checking and reapplying wax as needed, rinsing with fresh water after use, inspecting for damage, and repairing dings.

How do you wax a foam surfboard?

To wax a foam surfboard, choose foam board-specific surf wax, clean the deck, apply a base coat (optional), and rub the topcoat in a diagonal pattern. Texture the wax with a comb for grip.

How do you get old wax off a foam surfboard?

Use a wax comb or scraper to gently remove old wax. Warming the wax with sunlight or a hairdryer can make removal easier.

Do foam surfboards take on water?

Foam surfboards are designed to resist water absorption, but check for cracks or dings that may compromise the foam's integrity and repair them to prevent water entry.

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