
Joseph Secousse Surf Photographer

Welcome to another episode of Surf Bank's Beyond The Frame where we dive into the captivating world of surf and ocean photography, going beyond mesmerising captures exploring the backstory of many talented photographers.

In this episode we will be hearing from the talented Joseph Secousse surf photographer originating from Bordeaux, France.

Beyond the frame aims to inspire and inform future surf photographers and ocean lovers being your backstage pass to detailed insights from the minds behind stunning surf shots.

Joseph Secousse Surf Photographer Gallery

Joseph Secousse Surf Photographer
Joseph Secousse Surf Photographer
Joseph Secousse Surf Photographer
Joseph Secousse Surf Photographer
Joseph Secousse Surf Photographer
Joseph Secousse Surf Photographer
Joseph Secousse Surf Photographer
Joseph Secousse Surf Photographer
Joseph Secousse Surf Photographer
Joseph Secousse Surf Photographer
Joseph Secousse Surf Photographer
Joseph Secousse Surf Photographer

What Did Your Childhood Look Like?

I grew up in Bordeaux, based in south west of France. My family is from Moliets in Les Landes so I used to spend my vacations between Moliets and also Urrugne, a village located in Basque country where my grand mother was living. I was always more happy to be lost in the countryside than living in the cities as I was a little boy with a lot of energy! I began skateboarding at age 11, surfing came when I was 13-14.

What Came First, Surfing or Photography?

For my 14th birthday, my parents offered me a Nikon D3200. I wasn’t aware that I would take so many photos with it, literally everything that I liked I took a photo of. All the walks in the forest at night with my friends were good opportunity to take pictures. It’s been only three years and I don’t take it anymore! I was immersed in the surf culture pretty young as my cousins used to surf the local spot. I wasn’t so bad at it, sadly I quickly tried to surf a board that was too short for me and it really disgusted me. So photography came before the surf.

How Did You Get Into Surf Photography?

First time taking surfer and ocean views was in 2014, I used to shoot waves and sunsets most of the time with the dune in front. Then in 2015 I start taking surf pictures with a little company. It was poorly paid but I was very young and earning money from photography was amazing, during higher education in graphic design I always tried to put photography first.

One day I was looking for my last internship and thanks to an old internship boss I was able to meet Tim Mckenna, after 2 hours of talking he offered me this opportunity to work for him, I owe him everything both technically and methodologically.

Where Do You Normally Shoot?

Usually I shoot in Les landes, between Moliets and Hossegor. It’s hard to find the spots, but when you have it, it’s like a gift. During winter I have to go to Hossegor, 30 minutes away by car from my place, not so far, but expensive when you have to do it everyday without getting paid haha!

Where Do You Shoot? Water or Land?

I do both, but to be honest I am not as good as I would like at swimming to go water shooting when it begins to be heavy ! I prefer staying on land finding a good composition, sometimes I water shoot when it’s not to big and there is not much current. My new project is to go on jets during by waves but still have to be prepared to be washed!

What Makes The Perfect Image?

Knowing the rules of photography is a good starting point, and after a lot of discussion with friends about why one photo is better than another, what comes out overall is that you need a clear subject, interesting light and originality.

But I'm not the master of photography, I'm sure everyone has a different vision, and that's what's so great about photography!

Joseph Secousse Surf Photographer
Photo By Joseph Secousse

How Did You Become So Involved In The Surf Scene?

I don't think I'm particularly involved in the surf scene! It's not a choice, but I'm not very well known, maybe later. For now, I'm very happy to be taking these photos, which I enjoy. Little by little I'm meeting new people and my circle of friends is growing.

Do You Have A Favourite Photographer That Has Inspired You?

There are two photographers I adore.

Tim Mckenna, who for me is a mentor, a timeless photographer and an example of success. I remember as a child seeing posters of his photos particularly the "millennium wave" in my cousins' bedrooms. He's a great photographer, but also a very nice person with a good state of mind.

Morgan Maassen, every time I see these photos I'm blown away. I love the framing, the colours, the subjects. He's a very inspiring person, and I hope he keeps it up for a long time to come.

What's Your Biggest Challenge To Overcome When Shooting?

When shooting in the water, be well positioned, avoid catching the sets on your head and avoid drops on the waterproof housing. On land, find interesting vantage points, get the focus right for distant shots, drink less coffee between sets of waves!

Joseph Secousse Favourite Shot

I don't have any of my favourite surf photos, I tend to get bored of my own photos over time.

Below is our favourite shot from Joseph, it's a beauty!

Joseph Secousse Surf Photographer
Photo by Joseph Secousse

Personal Message

"Sobriety and Respect"

For a long time now, I've been taking photos for Cots, a brand that comes from a village on the Landes coast called Contis. It's always a pleasure to work with them. It's a simple image of surfing that highlights local surfers without being dismissive of others. The boss, Fabien, has helped me a lot.

Check Out Cots Socials Here - @cotswear

Joseph's Equipment List

Marie Dehayes Camera

Camera & Lenses

Joseph uses Sony A7 III, 200-600mm Sony, laowa 15mm, 24-70 sony x zeiss, mavic mini 2 and seafrogs water housing

See Joseph's Camera Here
Joseph Secousse Surf Photographer
Photo By Joseph Secousse

Joseph's Future Plans

I'd like to continue making a living from photography. My ultimate goal would be to open a gallery to sell my photos in the moors. A place where people could come and chat. In the meantime, I'm looking to take as many surf photos as possible, with as many different framings as possible.

Joseph Secousse Surf Photographer


You can find Joseph on Instagram as Mojo Foto or contact his email

"For those who want to chat in summer there is a great chance to find me on the beach in moliets, black cap, white shirt and red leg haha!"

Do You Want To Be Involved In Beyond The Frame?

Are you a surf photographer wanting your story told? You may be our next Beyond The Frame feature! Please get in touch with us over email so we can get a conversation going:

Many surf stories and shots don't get shared enough, so please no matter how big your audience is we want to show off your surf photography!

Joseph Secousse Surf Photographer
Photo By Joseph Secousse

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