
Best Beeswax Surf Wax Recipe in 20 Minutes!

Ever wondered if you can use a beeswax surf wax recipe for your surfboard?

Well, you can!

This beeswax surf wax recipe will set you on your way to developing your own sustainable surf wax. Your friends will soon be wanting some for themselves too! Bee Ready!

How To Make a Beeswax Surf Wax Recipe

Combine grated beeswax and coconut oil, heat until melted, add optional essential oils, pour into moulds, let it cool and harden, then use the surf wax for improved grip on your surfboard.

Of course this is a secondary option to your preferred surf wax, however it is a very sustainable way to create surf wax for your board!

Beeswax Surf Wax Recipe

In this recipe we will inform you on the ingredients & supplies needed alongside a step by step guide to follow ensuring you achieve a perfect block of beeswax surf wax to apply to your board.

Beeswax Surf Wax Ingredients

  1. Beeswax: 1 cup (240 ml) - You'll need beeswax as the main ingredient. You can find beeswax at local beekeeping supply stores or online.
  2. Coconut oil: ΒΌ cup (60 ml) - This will help soften the wax and provide additional grip.
  3. Essential oils (optional): A few drops - You can add essential oils like pine, eucalyptus, or lavender for fragrance, but this is entirely optional.

Supplies Needed To Make Beeswax Surf Wax

  1. Grater: For grating the beeswax. You can use a kitchen grater or ask an adult for help.
  2. Heat-resistant container or old saucepan: This is for melting the wax mixture.
  3. Molds or containers: You'll need these to shape and store the wax. Muffin tins or small containers work well.
  4. Stirring tool: Use a spoon or a stick to stir the wax and oil.
  5. Newspaper or old cloth: To cover your work surface and catch any spills.

How To Make Homemade Beeswax Surf Wax Recipe

Step 1: Prepare Your Work Area

Before you start, make sure you have a clean and clutter-free workspace. Cover your work surface with newspaper or an old cloth to catch any spills.

Safety Tip: Be cautious while working with heat. Ask an adult for help if you're unsure about handling hot materials.

Step 2: Grate the Beeswax

  • Take your block of beeswax and use a grater to finely grate it. You'll need enough grated beeswax to fill your chosen mold or container.

Tip: Grating beeswax can take some time, so be patient.

Step 3: Mix the Beeswax and Coconut Oil

  • In a heat-resistant container or saucepan, combine the grated beeswax and coconut oil. You can start with a 3:1 ratio of beeswax to coconut oil, meaning three parts beeswax and one part coconut oil. This is just a starting point; you can adjust it later to get the consistency you want.

Step 4: Melt the Mixture

  • Gently heat the mixture on low heat while stirring constantly. Keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't overheat or catch fire. The beeswax and coconut oil should melt and blend together smoothly.

Safety Measure: Always use caution when heating and melting substances. Never leave the mixture unattended on the stove.

Step 5: Add Essential Oils (Optional)

  • If you'd like your surf wax to have a nice scent, add a few drops of your chosen essential oil to the melted mixture. Stir well to evenly distribute the fragrance.

Step 6: Pour into Molds

  • Carefully pour the melted wax mixture into your chosen molds or containers. If you're using muffin tins, you can use them as-is, or you can line them with wax paper for easier removal once the wax has solidified.

Tip: Work quickly as the mixture can start to solidify as it cools.

Step 7: Let It Cool and Harden

  • Allow the surf wax to cool and harden at room temperature or in the refrigerator. This may take a few hours, depending on the temperature and the size of your molds.

Tip: Pop the molds in the fridge for faster cooling.

Step 8: Remove from Molds

  • Once the surf wax has solidified, carefully remove it from the molds or containers. If you used muffin tins, you can pop them out like muffins.

Step 9: Use and Store

  • Your homemade surf wax is ready to use! Rub it onto your surfboard's deck for improved grip while you're surfing. When you're not using it, store it in a cool, dry place.

Safety Tip: If you have leftover melted wax, be sure to let it cool and harden before disposing of it properly.

Remember, it's okay to experiment with the ratio of beeswax to coconut oil to find the texture that works best for your surfing needs.

There you have it, the beeswax surf wax recipe! Have fun making your own surf wax and catching some awesome waves!

We have more recipes available on how to make surf wax so not to worry if beeswax isn't for you!

Beeswax Surf Wax Recipe In Detail

As well as having a go creating your own wax you can also purchase beeswax surf wax to see how yours compares!

Yew! & My Manoa Beeswax have a great variety of organic beeswax surf wax so definitely take a look.

What Temperature Water is Beeswax Surf Wax Recipe Suited To?

Surfing is all about catching waves, and the temperature of the water can vary depending on your location and the season.

Beeswax surf wax is versatile and suitable for various water temperatures. It provides excellent grip in warm and cool waters alike.

However, if you're heading to extremely cold waters, you might want to consider adding a bit of coconut oil to soften the wax slightly, making it more suitable for colder conditions.

This adaptability makes beeswax surf wax a great choice for surfers who experience different water temperatures throughout the year.

Is Beeswax Surf Wax Recipe Sustainable?

Absolutely! Beeswax surf wax is an eco-friendly alternative to traditional surf waxes.

Beeswax is a natural, renewable resource produced by bees, and harvesting it doesn't harm the bees or the environment.

Additionally, you can make your own beeswax surf wax at home, reducing the need for commercially produced, often petroleum-based waxes that can harm the ocean ecosystem. By choosing beeswax surf wax, you're making a sustainable choice that benefits both your surfing and the environment.

How Sticky is Beeswax Surf Wax Recipe Compared to Normal Surf Wax?

Beeswax surf wax provides a good level of stickiness for your surfboard.

It's comparable to many commercial surf waxes, offering reliable grip to help you stay on your board while riding the waves.

The exact stickiness can be adjusted by changing the ratio of beeswax to coconut oil when making your surf wax at home. Some surfers even find that beeswax surf wax recipe has a more natural and pleasant feel underfoot.

So, whether you're a seasoned surfer or just starting out, you'll likely find that using the beeswax surf wax recipe offers a comfortable and reliable grip to enhance your surfing experience.

Is Beeswax Surf Wax Recipe Easy to Make?

One of the great things about beeswax surf wax is that it's relatively easy to make, even for younger surfers.

With adult supervision, 14-year-olds can successfully create their surf wax at home. The process involves grating beeswax, melting it with coconut oil, and, if desired, adding a few drops of essential oil for fragrance.

It's a fantastic DIY project that allows you to tailor your surf wax to your preferences, both in terms of texture and scent.

Customisation and Experimentation

The beauty of making your surf wax is that you can customise it to suit your unique needs.

While the basic beeswax surf wax recipe calls for a 3:1 ratio of beeswax to coconut oil, you can experiment with different ratios to achieve the ideal stickiness and hardness for your surfing style and local water conditions.

This flexibility empowers you to create surf wax that's perfect for your board and the waves you ride.

Summing It Up: What To Do Now

There you have, a complete beeswax surf wax recipe that will set you on your way to creating your own sustainable option to waxing your surfboard before each surf.

Ensure you know how to remove surfboard wax before applying your new beeswax styled surf wax to your board.

If your interested in learning more about surfing discover our many guides that will inform you on your surfing journey. Don't forget to follow us on Facebook & Instagram to stay informed on our amazing surf shots and stories shared from surf creators around the world!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you make surf wax from beeswax?

Yes, you can make surf wax from beeswax. Beeswax is a natural and eco-friendly alternative to traditional surf waxes. It provides grip and is adaptable to different water temperatures.

What makes surfboard wax sticky?

Surfboard wax is sticky due to the ingredients it contains, such as wax and resin. These materials are designed to provide traction and grip on the surface of the surfboard, allowing the surfer to maintain balance and control.

Is beeswax surf wax recipe safe for the ocean?

Yes, beeswax is safe for the ocean. It is a natural and biodegradable material, and using beeswax surf wax is an eco-friendly choice that minimises harm to the marine environment.

What is surf wax made out of?

Traditional surf wax is typically made from a combination of paraffin wax, hard and soft waxes, and additives like resins. However, you can make your own surf wax with natural ingredients like beeswax and coconut oil.

How do you make vegan surf wax?

To make vegan surf wax, replace beeswax with plant-based waxes like soy wax or candelilla wax. The process is similar to making traditional surf wax but with vegan-friendly ingredients.

Can I use beeswax surf wax recipe instead of soy wax?

Yes, you can use beeswax as an alternative to soy wax for making surf wax. Beeswax provides grip and is a sustainable choice.

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