
Surfing Morocco in January: Guide 2024

Surfing Morocco in January has become a very popular month for surfers to enter the Moroccan waters.

But is there a difference from surfing Morocco in January compared to other months and why is it becoming so popular?

Let's get into it!

Surfing Morocco in January Summary

  • Weather: In January, Morocco offers a 66% chance of a perfect sunny day, and there's a 34% chance of experiencing a mixture of sunshine and clouds with an average of 6 mm of rainfall.
  • Air Temperature: Expect a comfortable range of air temperatures, from a cool 9°C (48°F) to a pleasant 22°C (72°F).
  • Water Temperature: The water temperature hovers around 18°C (64°F), making it suitable for those equipped with wetsuits to keep you warm.
  • Wave Size: Morocco's waves in January typically range from 4 to 8 feet, providing a thrilling challenge for surfers seeking some action.
  • Wave Consistency: With a wave consistency rate of 90%, you can count on reliable surf conditions throughout your stay.
  • Crowd: January offers the advantage of an uncongested surf scene, allowing you to enjoy the waves with fewer fellow surfers in the lineup.
  • Skill Level: Morocco's January waves cater to intermediate and advanced surfers who are ready to take on the exciting challenges presented by the Atlantic swells.
  • Price: The off-season in January provides surfers with a very reasonable price point, making it an excellent time to visit Morocco without breaking the bank.

Surfing Morocco in January offers clear lineups with less crowds, making it a popular time for talented surfers to take advantage!

If your planning on traveling to Morocco at a different point in the year, use our Morocco Surf Guide to ensure you pick the best time for you!

Surfing Morocco in January In Detail

Before embarking on your surfing trip to Morocco it's essential you research the time of year you're going!

Surfing Morocco in January comes with its highs and lows, but overall it can be many surfers favourite time to catch the North African waves.

Wave Conditions When Surfing Morocco in January

Surfing in Morocco during January continues to provide a diverse range of wave conditions along the Atlantic coast.

The consistent swells persist, offering surfers the chance to ride waves of varying sizes suitable for different skill levels.

Morocco's coastal geography creates an array of point breaks, reef breaks, and beach breaks, ensuring surfers experience a variety of wave types during the winter season.

Weather and Climate Surfing Morocco in January

January maintains a mild winter climate along the Moroccan coast, providing favorable conditions for surf enthusiasts similar to surifng in December.

The air temperature ranges from approximately 12 to 20 degrees Celsius (54 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit).

Despite cooler evenings, the daytime warmth ensures a pleasant surfing experience. Morocco experiences relatively stable weather patterns in January, with occasional rain, contributing to consistent conditions for surfers.

Water Temperature Surfing Morocco in January

The water temperature when surfing Morocco in January averages around 17 to 19 degrees Celsius (63 to 66 degrees Fahrenheit).

Although cooler than the summer months, surfers typically find these conditions comfortable with the use of wetsuits.

A 3/2mm or 4/3mm wetsuit is recommended to keep surfers warm in the water. The slightly cooler temperatures contribute to uncrowded lineups, providing a tranquil surfing experience for those seeking a winter escape.

Crowds When Surfing Morocco in January

Surfing Morocco in January continues to offer a more relaxed and uncrowded atmosphere.

Compared to peak summer months, the winter season sees fewer tourists, resulting in quieter lineups at popular surf spots.

Surfers can enjoy the waves without the hustle and bustle, making January an excellent time for those seeking a peaceful and intimate surfing experience along Morocco's captivating coastline.

Morocco January Expected Prices

January remains a budget-friendly time for surfers exploring Morocco. Accommodation and travel costs are generally more affordable compared to busier tourist seasons.

Whether opting for surf camps, hostels, or budget-friendly hotels, January allows surfers to enjoy the beauty of Morocco without breaking the bank.

Local eateries and markets continue to offer reasonably priced meals, making it a cost-effective and enjoyable surfing destination during the winter months.

Surfing Morocco in January Footage: Safi 2023 Footage

Surfing Morocco in January 2023 by @surfrawfiles

Morocco's Best Surf Spots in January

Anchor Point, Taghazout: In January, Anchor Point in Taghazout continues to be a standout surf spot during Morocco's surf season. Known for its consistent and powerful right-hand waves, it offers surfers quality rides amid a picturesque coastal setting.

Killer Point, Taghazout: Adjacent to Anchor Point, Killer Point remains an excellent choice for experienced surfers in January. The fast-breaking right-handers provide a thrilling challenge, making it a go-to spot for those seeking excitement in the winter waves.

Boilers, Agadir: January at Boilers near Agadir is marked by powerful reef breaks, attracting advanced surfers looking for an exhilarating experience. The long and powerful waves offer a unique ride, and the spot is named after an intriguing ship boiler on the ocean floor.

Dracula, Safi: Dracula, located near Safi, offers consistent and powerful waves during January. Suited for experienced surfers due to its fast and hollow sections, it provides a challenging and rewarding experience for those ready to take on the winter swell.

Tamri, Agadir: Tamri, a beach break near Agadir, provides a more mellow wave ideal for surfers of all levels in January. This spot offers a relaxed atmosphere and is particularly suitable for beginners and intermediate surfers looking to enjoy the winter waves.

Mysteries, Imsouane: Imsouane's Mysteries, home to the longest right-hand wave in Morocco, maintains its appeal in January. Surfers can enjoy a more laid-back experience with consistent waves suitable for various skill levels amid the scenic surroundings of Imsouane.

La Source, Essaouira: For those seeking a January surf experience near Essaouira, La Source is a beach break that provides consistent waves. With a more relaxed vibe compared to busier spots, it's an excellent choice for surfers of all levels looking to enjoy the winter swells.

Whether you're chasing powerful reef breaks or opting for more mellow beach breaks, surfing Morocco in January caters to a variety of preferences and skill levels.

Always check local surf reports and consult with experienced locals for the latest information on wave conditions.

Pros & Cons of Surfing Morocco in January


  • Consistent swells: January offers consistent waves, making it an ideal time for surfing in Morocco.
  • Less crowded: Compared to peak tourist seasons, January sees fewer crowds in the water, allowing for more enjoyable surf sessions.
  • Great weather conditions: Morocco experiences mild temperatures during January, providing comfortable surfing conditions without extreme heat.
  • Variety of breaks: From beach breaks to point breaks, Morocco offers a diverse range of surf spots suitable for all skill levels.
  • Cultural experience: Surfing Morocco in January allows you to immerse yourself in the culture and explore the vibrant local communities.


  • Cooler water temperatures: While the air temperature is mild, the water can be chilly during January, requiring thicker wetsuits for comfort.
  • Potential rain showers: Although rare, there is a possibility of occasional rain showers during this time of year.
  • Limited daylight hours: With shorter days in January, there is less daylight available for extended surf sessions.
  • Variable wave conditions: While consistent swells are common, wave conditions can vary throughout the month due to changing weather patterns.
  • Limited amenities: Some surf spots may have limited facilities or amenities during this quieter season.

Essential Equipment For January

When heading out to catch some waves in Morocco, it's essential to have the right equipment by your side.

First and foremost, you'll need a reliable surfboard suited for the wave conditions you plan to tackle.

If you're a beginner or intermediate surfer, opt for a longboard or a fish-shaped board that offers stability and manoeuvrability.

For more experienced riders looking to take on bigger swells, consider bringing a shortboard with enough volume to handle the power of Moroccan waves.

Additionally, don't forget about your wetsuit! The water temperature in Morocco during January can be quite chilly, so it's crucial to stay warm and comfortable while riding those epic breaks.

A 3/2mm or even 4/3mm wetsuit should suffice in most spots along the coast.

However, if you tend to get cold easily or are planning on spending extended periods in the water, opting for a thicker wetsuit like a 5/4mm is advisable.

Lastly but equally important is sunscreen!

Protecting your skin from harmful UV rays is paramount when spending hours under the blazing Moroccan sun.

Choose high SPF sunscreen that won't wash off easily due to sweat or contact with seawater; there's nothing worse than dealing with painful sunburns after an exhilarating day of surfing!

The Culture in Morocco

When it comes to surfing in Morocco, one cannot overlook the vibrant and rich local surfing culture that permeates the coastal towns.

From Taghazout to Essaouira, you'll find a community of passionate surfers who have deep respect for their craft and the ocean.

Embracing this local surfing culture is not only an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals but also a chance to gain valuable insights into the best surf spots, wave conditions, and hidden gems along the coastline.

The first step in embracing the local surfing culture is immersing yourself in its traditions and customs. Take some time to observe how locals interact with each other at surf breaks or during post-surf gatherings.

Engage in conversations with fellow surfers, listen attentively as they share stories about their experiences on Moroccan waves, and don't be afraid to ask questions – Moroccans are known for their warm hospitality!

Another way of embracing Moroccan surfing culture is by exploring its culinary delights.

Traditional dishes such as tagine (slow-cooked stews) or freshly caught seafood are must-try options after a long day of riding waves.

Seek out small beachside cafes or bustling markets where you can savour authentic flavours while engaging with locals over shared meals.

This cultural exchange will deepen your understanding of Morocco's diverse heritage while fueling your body for more thrilling days spent chasing swells along this captivating stretch of coast.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the best spots surfing Morocco in January?

During January, some of the best surf spots in Morocco include Taghazout, Anchor Point, and Tamri. These spots offer consistent waves and are suitable for surfers of all levels. The region's diverse coastline provides a variety of breaks, from mellow beach breaks to powerful reef breaks, ensuring there's something for everyone to enjoy.

What equipment do I need for surfing Morocco in January?

When surfing in Morocco during January, it is essential to have the right equipment to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable experience. You will need a good quality wetsuit, preferably a 4/3mm or 3/2mm thickness, to keep you warm in the cool water temperatures. Additionally, a surfboard suitable for the wave conditions is crucial. For beginners, a longboard or a funboard is recommended, while more experienced surfers may opt for shortboards or fish boards.

Are there any cultural aspects or local customs to be aware of when surfing in Morocco?

When surfing in Morocco, it's important to be mindful of the local customs and cultural aspects. Respect the local traditions and dress modestly when outside the beach areas. Additionally, it's customary to greet locals with a friendly "Salam" and be courteous in the water, respecting other surfers and the local surf etiquette.

What are the ideal conditions for surfing Morocco in January?

In January, Morocco offers ideal conditions for surfing with consistent swells and offshore winds. The water temperature is relatively mild, ranging from 16 to 18 degrees Celsius, making it comfortable to surf in a wetsuit. The waves are typically in the range of 2 to 6 feet, providing great opportunities for surfers of all levels to enjoy the waves.

Are there any safety precautions I should take while surfing Morocco in January?

Absolutely! When surfing in Morocco in January, it's important to take some safety precautions. First and foremost, always be aware of the local conditions and check the surf forecast before heading out. The Atlantic can be powerful during this time, so make sure you have the necessary skills and experience to handle the waves. Additionally, be mindful of the rocky coastline and potential hazards in the water. It's also a good idea to surf with a buddy and let someone know your plans. Stay safe and enjoy your surf sessions!

Is it suitable for beginners to be surfing Morocco in January?

Surfing in Morocco during January can be challenging for beginners due to the larger swells and more powerful waves. It is recommended that beginners choose calmer and more beginner-friendly spots or consider taking lessons from experienced instructors to ensure safety and enjoyment.

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