
What Does Surfboard Wax Do?

We all use it! But what does surfboard wax do?

Surfboard wax for those who don’t know is the grippy stuff surfers rub on their surfboards before heading out to surf.

But what is the purpose of it?

What Does Surfboard Wax Do?

Surfboard wax provides a surfboard with essential grip, allowing surfers to maintain balance, control, and stability while riding waves by preventing them from slipping off the board.

To understand the question what does surfbaord wax do, it is best to try surfing with the wax yourself so you can witness the impact of it.

When testing the surfboard wax, ensure you use the best surf wax available for top results

The Purpose of Surfboard Wax

Surfboard wax serves a crucial role in the world of surfing. Its primary purpose is to provide surfers with the grip they need to stay balanced and in control while riding the waves. 

When you apply wax to the surface of a surfboard, it creates a textured and slightly tacky layer. 

This layer prevents your feet from slipping and sliding around on the board when wet. Without wax, the smooth surface of the board would be incredibly slippery in the water, making it challenging to catch waves and maintain stability. 

In essence, surfboard wax is a surfer's best friend, enhancing both safety and performance.

What is Surfboard Wax Made Of?

Surfboard wax is typically composed of a combination of natural and synthetic materials. 

The primary ingredient is usually paraffin wax, a type of wax derived from petroleum. 

To give surfboard wax its trademark grip, manufacturers add various additives and modifiers, such as resins and compounds that enhance stickiness.

 Some premium wax brands incorporate eco-friendly materials to reduce environmental impact. Beeswax is another natural ingredient found in some surfboard waxes, known for its tackiness and durability. 

The exact formulation of surfboard wax can vary between brands and types, but the goal is always the same: to create a wax that keeps surfers glued to their boards.

Different Types of Surfboard Wax

When becoming educated on what does surfboard wax do you need to know the types of wax. The two main categories are "Warm Water Wax" and "Cold Water Wax."

Warm water wax is designed for tropical and temperate climates, where water temperatures are higher. It is formulated to be softer and stickier to ensure optimal traction in warmer waters. 

Cold water wax, on the other hand, is specially made for colder surf destinations. It is harder and more resilient, preventing it from melting in lower temperatures. 

Some surfers also opt for "Base Coat Wax" to create a solid foundation on their boards before applying the main wax. 

Additionally, there are eco-friendly options that focus on sustainability and reduced environmental impact, appealing to environmentally conscious surfers. It's important to understand the environmental impacts when learning what does surfboard wax do.

Applying Surfboard Wax

When To Apply Surf Wax

Knowing when to apply surf wax is essential for a successful surfing experience. 

You should wax your board every time you notice a decrease in traction or grip. 

The frequency of waxing depends on several factors, including the water temperature, the type of wax used, and the frequency of your surfing sessions. 

In warm water regions, you might need to wax your board more often as the wax can wear off quicker due to the higher temperatures. 

It's a good practice to inspect your board before each surf session and reapply wax when necessary to ensure you have the right grip.

What Do Basecoat and Topcoat Surf Waxes Do?

While you are learning what does surfboard wax do ensure you know the difference between basecoat and topcoat.

Basecoat and topcoat surfboard waxes are essential for maintaining your board's performance. 

Basecoat wax creates a sturdy foundation on your surfboard. It's typically harder and provides a solid layer that helps the topcoat wax adhere better. 

Think of it as the primer before you apply the main coat of paint. Topcoat wax, also known as the "main wax," is the layer responsible for giving you the grip you need on the waves.

 It's formulated to be stickier and softer, ensuring your feet have a secure hold on the board. 

Together, basecoat and topcoat waxes work in harmony to enhance your overall surfing experience.

Topcoat Waxes For Different Temperatures

Surfers have the option to choose topcoat waxes that cater to specific water temperatures. Just like the different types of surfboard wax, topcoat waxes come in varieties for warm and cold water conditions.

 In warmer water, a softer topcoat wax is preferred to maximise grip. For cold water surfing, a harder topcoat wax is recommended to withstand lower temperatures. 

Do You Wax the Top or Bottom of a Surfboard?

Surfboard wax is primarily applied to the top surface of the surfboard, also known as the deck. When learning what does surfboard wax do make sure you test this on your deck! 

This is where your feet make direct contact with the board, and it's crucial to provide the traction and grip needed for balance and control while riding the waves. 

The bottom of the surfboard typically remains wax-free. 

The bottom is designed for smooth gliding through the water, and adding wax would create unnecessary drag, hindering your ability to catch waves and maintain speed.

Surfboard Wax Alternative

While surfboard wax is the most common and effective way to enhance grip on your board, some surfers explore alternatives. 

Traction pads, also known as deck pads or grip pads, are one such option. These are textured pads made of foam or rubber that adhere to the deck of the surfboard. 

They provide a consistent and reliable grip without the need for wax. Traction pads come in various designs, offering a customizable look and feel for your board. 

They are especially popular among surfers who want a cleaner and more environmentally friendly option, as they don't involve the use of wax, which can sometimes contain synthetic materials or microplastics.

Surfboard Wax Patterns

Surfboard wax patterns refer to the specific way surfers apply wax to their boards to create an ideal traction surface. The most common patterns are the "crosshatch" and the "parallel lines." 

In the crosshatch pattern, surfers apply wax in diagonal lines, creating a crisscross pattern on the deck. 

The parallel lines pattern involves applying wax in straight lines parallel to the length of the board. 

Both patterns aim to ensure a consistent grip and even coverage across the board's surface.

Surfboard Wax Price

The price of surfboard wax varies depending on factors such as brand, type, and location. On average, a standard bar of surf wax can cost anywhere from $1 to $5. 

Some premium or specialty waxes may be slightly more expensive. Eco-friendly or organic surf waxes can also be pricier due to their environmentally conscious production. 

While the cost of a single bar may seem relatively low, keep in mind that surfers may go through multiple bars in a surfing season, depending on their usage frequency and the condition of their wax.

Summing It Up: What To Do Now

There you go! Now you have an answer to what does surfboard wax do it is time to test it out! If you're a visual learner and are still unsure check out this helpful video.

If you're looking to remove surf wax from your board read up on the DIY alternatives to surfboard wax remover.

If your interested in learning more about surfing discover our many guides that will inform you on your surfing journey. Don't forget to follow us on Facebook & Instagram to stay informed on our amazing surf shots and stories shared from surf creators around the world!

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if you don't wax your surfboard?

If you don't wax your surfboard, you risk reduced traction and increased chances of slipping while surfing.

How often do you need to wax a surfboard?

The frequency of waxing a surfboard varies, but it's typically done when grip decreases, which can range from a few sessions to a few weeks.

Is it hard to surf without wax?

Surfing without wax can be challenging due to the lack of grip and may lead to balance and control issues.

Should I wax my surfboard every time?

You don't need to wax your surfboard every time; it depends on factors like water temperature and usage frequency.

Do pro surfers use wax?

Yes, pro surfers use wax on their boards for enhanced grip and control while riding waves.

Is it possible to surf without wax?

While possible, surfing without wax is not recommended as it can result in reduced traction and decreased safety on the water.

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