
Brendan Deane Surf Photographer

Welcome to another episode of Surf Bank's Beyond The Frame where we dive into the captivating world of surf and ocean photography, going beyond mesmerising captures exploring the backstory of many talented photographers.

In this episode we will be hearing from Brendan Deane, passionate surf photographer originating from Australia.

Beyond the frame aims to inspire and inform future surf photographers and ocean lovers being your backstage pass to detailed insights from the minds behind stunning surf shots.

Brendan Deane Surf Photographer Gallery

Brendan Dean Surf Photographer
Brendan Dean Surf Photographer
Brendan Dean Surf Photographer
Brendan Dean Surf Photographer
Brendan Dean Surf Photographer
Brendan Dean Surf Photographer
Brendan Dean Surf Photographer
Brendan Dean Surf Photographer
Brendan Dean Surf Photographer
Brendan Dean Surf Photographer
Brendan Deane Surf Photographer
Brendan Dean Surf Photographer

What Did Your Childhood Look Like?

Being from Australia it really involved a lot of sport! I grew up playing a lot of rugby league but pretty much tried most sports available to me!

I really got hooked on the extreme sports with a lot of skateboarding, surfing and wakeboarding.

I was also lucky enough for my parents to drive me about 1 hour each way to lifesaving and Nippers when I was young, so this really gave me my introduction to being in the ocean and being around the beach every week.

What Came First, Surfing or Photography?

Surfing came first which I think for a lot of ocean photographers is a big help.

Already feeling comfortable in the ocean and around other surfers is a big plus. Especially once you start taking photos and having to then deal with all the elements, plus holding and shooting the camera!

How Did You Get Into Surf Photography?

I think it was a natural progression.

Once my friends and I started to surf, skate and wakeboard we always found ourselves filming each other. Shortly after that I picked up one of the original Sony NEX cameras and a Gopro and started playing around.

It wasn't until more recently when my wife and I moved the family down to a Coastal town that I really started to put the energy into photography.

It started off doing a lot of landscape photography. Having beaches, forests and mountains all around us it felt like there was unlimited amount of shots to be taken!

However, I found myself always being drawn back to the ocean and to surfing!

Brendan Dean Surf Photographer
Photo By Brendan Deane

Where Do You Normally Shoot?

I just love shooting my home break of Sawtell which is on the Coffs Coast In Australia.

I am super familiar with the beach and break. This really helps me know the conditions when the swells pick up I have an understanding of how the waves will break.

The Coffs Harbour region however, is filled with amazing spots that are typically uncrowded and pumping!

Where Do You Shoot? Water or Land?

The majority of my shots so far have been from land.

Within the last few months I have finally invested in a water housing and have been loving it!

I have always wanted to show people and mainly my wife who has spent most of her years as a land dweller the things that I see and surfers see in the ocean!

I know that so many people will never get the chance to be in the ocean surfing a sunrise or being surrounded by dolphins swimming passed, so to share that to give them a small glimpse is amazing.

What Makes The Perfect Image?

Is there a perfect image?

As photographers I am sure we are always our own biggest critics always looking to improve.

Personally for me its about the feeling!

When someone or myself looks back at an image and gets a sense of actually being there, on the wave or on the beach. That is magic!

Being about to provoke a feeling from the image, that's what makes it perfect.

How Did You Become So Involved In The Surf Scene?

Growing up always loving the action sports scene I have always been in and around surfing, always following along with big events and tours etc...

However, once we moved down to the Coffs Coast there is such a sense of pride and community in the area amongst the surfers. There are some of Australia's best board riders clubs, local shapers and surf shops its easy just to dive deep into the scene and be apart of something great!

Do You Have A Favourite Photographer That Has Inspired You?

Yes there has been a few.

Some of the big names being Finn Beales, Chris Burkard and Peter McKinnon. It just takes a few moments looking through their social media and reading there books to really help inspire you!

Starting again with photography watching PK's youtube channel really helped me immensely understand some of the fundamentals.

As I have progressed more into surf photography though seeing some local Australian surf photographers such as Scott Harrison who has also featured in beyond the frame and Tom Woods.

What's Your Biggest Challenge To Overcome When Shooting?

There is always something to deal with, typically I am a morning/sunrise shooter which means having to deal with low light or cloudy mornings a lot of the time.

Also can't forget about those damn water droplets on the water housing!!

Brendan's Favourite Shot

Brendan Dean Surf Photographer
Photo By Brendan Deane

My Favourite shot is from my local beach break from above!

Was the most perfect morning with clear blue water as the sun was rise! I snapped this surfer walking from the ocean after his surf.

He lined up perfectly with the sun to cast the shadow of a perfect outline on the sand above him! Just a great shot from an angle rarely seen!

Brendan's Equipment List

Dario Fink Camera

Camera & Lenses

Currently I am shooting with the Canon r7. If I am shooting in the water I am using the aquatech housing paired with the RF50mm 1.8. Such a great and super affordable lens! If I am from land I pair the r7 with the EF 100-400mm for some extra reach as well as the 24-105mm.

Brendan Dean Surf Photographer
Photo By Brendan Deane

Brendan's Future Plans

This year I am planning on going on a few surf trips and explore more locations within Australia and also overseas! I am hoping to get over to Indonesia and experience the surf seen over there!

Brendan Dean Surf Photographer


You can keep up with Brendan's work on his Instagram as well his youtube! Use this email for direct contact with him

Check Brendan's Instagram Here

Do You Want To Be Involved In Beyond The Frame?

Are you a surf photographer wanting your story told? You may be our next Beyond The Frame feature! Please get in touch with us over email so we can get a conversation going:

Many surf stories and shots don't get shared enough, so please no matter how big your audience is we want to show off your surf photography!

Brendan Dean Surf Photographer
Photo By Brendan Deane

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