
Didi Haracic Surf Photographer

Welcome to another episode of Surf Bank's Beyond The Frame where we dive into the captivating world of surf & ocean photography, going beyond mesmerising captures exploring the backstory of many talented photographers.

In this episode we will be hearing from the passionate surf photographer Didi Haracic, well known as a Bosnian professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Angel City FC.

Beyond the frame aims to inspire and inform future surf photographers and ocean lovers being your backstage pass to detailed insights from the minds behind stunning surf shots.

Didi Haracic Gallery

Didi Haracic Surf Photographer
Didi Haracic Surf Photographer
Didi Haracic Surf Photographer
Didi Haracic Surf Photographer
Didi Haracic Surf Photographer
Didi Haracic Surf Photographer
Didi Haracic Surf Photographer
Didi Haracic Surf Photographer
Didi Haracic Surf Photographer
Didi Haracic Surf Photographer
Didi Haracic Surf Photographer
Didi Haracic Surf Photographer
Didi Haracic Surf Photographer
Didi Haracic Surf Photographer
Didi Haracic Surf Photographer
Didi Haracic Surf Photographer
Didi Haracic Surf Photographer
Didi Haracic Surf Photographer
Didi Haracic Surf Photographer
Didi Haracic Surf Photographer
Didi Haracic Surf Photographer

What Did Your Childhood Look Like?

I've always been involved in sports. I started playing soccer at the age of 5.

Basketball I got into during middle school and hockey I did for fun with the other kids in the neighbourhood. I would have never thought I'd be where I am today, playing professional soccer for one of the top clubs in the US.

I feel like I was a late bloomer when it came to photography. I've always had an interest in it but it wasn't until 2017/2018 I decided to pick up a camera and be self taught.

It became a therapy for me as well as a way for me to put my unspoken words into still images without being judged in a way. Just me and the camera.

I got into surf photography not too long ago because as I like to call it I went down another rabbit hole on YouTube which is what I tend to geek out on when I'm trying to learn something new. I was gifted a little waterproof housing bag for my camera and I took my first leap into the ocean.

From this moment my love for the ocean and surf photography collided.

I still get nervous when I get in the water but at the same time the ocean is the most present I can be. The feeling when I'm in the water with my camera is something I can't explain. No distractions, no phone, just my camera and waves/subject in front of me.

My favourite shots to shoot are of surfers sitting on their boards on the surface of calm water. I see their raw emotion of appreciation of Mother Nature and what she has to offer us.

What Came First, Surfing or Photography?

You'd be surprised... I actually don't sure haha! I get in the water with surfers and capture their epic moments so to answer the question photography!

How Did You Get Into Surf Photography?

I went down a YouTube series of underwater photography which then turned into surf/oceanography.

Didi Haracic Surf Photographer
Photo By Didi Haracic

How Would You Describe Your Photography Style?

I would describe my style as dreamy, moody, storyteller. I try to always tell a story through my photos.

Where Do You Normally Shoot?

Mostly the coastline of California. Malibu, Huntington Beach or Big Sur areas.

Where Do You Shoot? Water or Land?

I usually get in the water with my subjects.

What Makes The Perfect Image?

Golden hour. When the sunlight is reflecting of the surface of the water and onto your lens there's something about that moment that I love. It makes the photo more worth capturing.

What is Your Post-Processing Workflow?

I use Adobe Lightroom and usually bring down my colours. Most of my photos have colour but are slightly desaturated and that's what gives me the moody feel, as well as dropping down my shadows a little.

How Did You Become Involved In The Surf Scene?

I gave it a try after going down a rabbit hole on YouTube. So after just doing one shoot I fell in love with it so it's something I continued.

Do You Have A Favourite Photographer That Has Inspired You?

Garret King (@Shortstache) gives me inspiration, but when it comes to surf photographers I always tend to find something from everyone I follow and then I put my own spin on it.

What Advice Would You Give To Aspiring Surf Photographers?

The rabbit holes that I went down on YouTube have paid off haha! Just constantly learning something new then going out and doing it has made me a better photographer.

What's Your Biggest Challenge To Overcome When Shooting?

Finding time to shoot when I'm in season. Being a pro athlete is something I'm so grateful for so it's finding the balance to take care of my body but also doing something that brings me calmness.

Didi Haracic Surf Photographer
Photo By Didi Haracic

Didi's Equipment List


Camera & Lenses

I shoot with the Canon R5. My main lens that I shoot with is the Sigma 35mm

Didi's Favourite Shots

Didi Haracic Surf Photographer
Photo By Didi Haracic

I like all of my photos in their own way. But my favourite shots are usually the ones where I'm hovering over the water with my camera and my subject is in calm water looking out into the horizon.

To me it's the purest and most present you can be.

Favourite Surf Spot

So far... Big Sur area! Open to suggestions though!

Didi's Future Plans

To continue surf photography and test myself when it comes to under water photography and putting myself in uncomfortable situations. I think these are the moments where you learn about yourself outside of being a photographer.

Secondly, I'd love to work with more brands in the surf/ocean industry so am always open to making those connections.

Didi Haracic Surf Photographer


You can keep up to date with my photography on my Instagram or website!

Do You Want To Be Involved In Beyond The Frame?

Are you a surf photographer wanting your story told? You may be our next Beyond The Frame feature! Please get in touch with us over email so we can get a conversation going:

Didi Haracic Surf Photographer
Photo By Didi Haracic

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