
How To Dry Wetsuit Fast In 90 Minutes!

Every surfer needs to know how to dry wetsuit fast

Sure, you know how to dry wetsuit, but do you know the best way to do it fast?

Let’s get into the step by step guide on how to dry a wetsuit plus answering a load of wetsuit drying questions.

How To Dry Wetsuit Fast 

To dry a wetsuit fast, use a combination of hanging and air circulation. Hang the wetsuit upside down in a well-ventilated area, ensuring optimal airflow. Rotate it periodically to expedite drying. Additionally, placing the wetsuit in a sunny spot can accelerate the process of a dry wetsuit.

Step By Step Dry Wetsuit Fast 

1. Rinse & Hang Immediately

After surfing, rinse off the saltwater, sand, and any other debris from the wetsuit. Use fresh, clean water to ensure it's free from corrosive elements. Then hang the wetsuit to dry immediately to start the drying process. 

2. Hang Properly Inside Out

Hang the wetsuit using a wetsuit hanger. Avoid using thin wire hangers that can create pressure points and misshape your wetsuit. Hang it upside down by the waist to allow water to drain from the legs and torso. Hanging your wetsuit inside out means that the most important part of your wetsuit (the inside) will dry quickly so it's comfy when you put it back on. 

3. Ventilated Area

Hang the wetsuit in a well-ventilated area. Good airflow helps achieve a dry wetsuit faster and prevents the development of unpleasant odours. This could be by a fan, outside your garage or hanging off the back of your van.

4. Check Wrist and Ankle Shake

Give the wrists and ankles a gentle shake to encourage water drainage from these areas. Ensure that excess water is removed to a have a completely dry wetsuit.

5. Pat Dry with Towel

To dry wetsuit fast, gently pat the wetsuit with a dry towel to absorb surface water. Avoid wringing or twisting, as this may damage the neoprene.

6. Avoid Direct Sunlight for Extended Periods

While sunlight aids the process of a dry wetsuit, excessive exposure can damage neoprene and age your wetsuit (just like it ages us!). Hang the wetsuit in the shade or if your aiming to achieve a fast dry rotate it periodically to avoid sun damage. 

7. Flip Back Inside Out

To speed up drying on the inside, flip the wetsuit back from the inside out after some time. This allows air to circulate within the neoprene material. This is your call, you will now which side feels like it needs some more dry time! 

8. Avoid High Heat

Never use a heater or leave the wetsuit in a hot car to accelerate drying, as excessive heat can cause damage. Stick to natural methods to achieving a dry wetsuit.

9. Check Seams and Zippers

Ensure that seams and zippers are open to allow air circulation. Closed zippers can trap moisture and slow down the process of a dry westuit.

10. Store Properly

Once fully dry, store the wetsuit in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Avoid folding or cramming it into tight spaces to maintain its shape. You can keep it on the wetsuit hanger as a good way to store your wetsuit and avoid damage. 

If your a visual learner check out this 1 minute video on how to dry wetsuit fast to ensure you have a complete understanding!

dry wetsuit
How To Dry Wetsuit Fast

How Long Does It Take to Dry a Wetsuit?

Drying a wetsuit depends on various factors such as humidity, temperature, and airflow. On average, it takes about 4 to 8 hours for a dry wetsuit to be complete.

Hanging your wetsuit in a well-ventilated area, ideally with good air circulation, can expedite the process. Avoid direct sunlight for extended periods, as it may damage the neoprene material. 

To quicken the drying time, consider turning the wetsuit inside out after the initial drying period. Keep in mind that the condition of your wetsuit, the surrounding environment, and proper care practices all contribute to effective and timely drying.

How to Dry Wetsuit Fast Overnight

Drying your wetsuit overnight requires a strategic approach. Start by thoroughly rinsing off saltwater and debris. Hang the wetsuit upside down on a broad hanger in a well-ventilated area. To accelerate the result of a dry wetsuit, consider using a fan or placing the wetsuit in a room with good air circulation. 

Be cautious with overnight drying techniques, ensuring the wetsuit maintains its shape and integrity. Patience and proper hanging methods can help you wake up to a dry and ready-to-use wetsuit.

How to Dry Wetsuit in the Oven

We DO NOT Recommend This To Achieve a Dry Wetsuit. Protect Your Gear Guys!

Can You Dry Wetsuit in the Sun?

Yes, you can use the sun to dry wetsuit as it can be an effective natural method. Choose a shaded area to avoid direct sunlight for extended periods, as prolonged exposure can damage the neoprene material. 

Hang the wetsuit upside down on a broad hanger to allow water to drain from the legs and torso. Periodically rotate the wetsuit to ensure even drying. This method not only dries the wetsuit but also helps eliminate any unwanted odors.

How to Dry Wetsuit in Winter

Drying a wetsuit in winter presents some challenges due to lower temperatures. Start by rinsing off the wetsuit with freshwater immediately after use. Hang the wetsuit in a well-ventilated, indoor space away from direct cold drafts. If possible, use a fan to increase airflow and speed up the drying process. 

Avoid outdoor drying in freezing temperatures, as it can damage the neoprene. Additionally, consider using a wetsuit drying hanger or rack to maintain its shape while drying indoors during the colder months.

How Long Does a Wetsuit Last?

The lifespan of a wetsuit depends on factors such as frequency of use, care, and the quality of materials. On average, a well-maintained wetsuit can last approximately 4 to 10 years. Proper storage, regular cleaning, and avoiding excessive exposure to sunlight and heat can significantly extend its lifespan. 

Signs of wear and tear, like deteriorating seams or reduced flexibility, indicate it may be time to consider a replacement for optimal safety and performance.

How Do You Dry Wetsuit in a Car?

Drying a wetsuit in a car is feasible but requires caution. After rinsing off the wetsuit, gently squeeze out excess water. Lay it flat on towels in the backseat or trunk of the car. Crack open the windows slightly to allow airflow, preventing excess humidity. Ensure the car is parked in a safe, well-ventilated area. 

While this method is suitable for a temporary solution, it's not ideal for regular use, as prolonged exposure to a confined space and lack of ventilation can lead to unpleasant odours and potential damage to the wetsuit over time.

Should I Use Wetsuit Drying Rack?

Using a wetsuit drying rack is a recommended practice for preserving the shape and integrity of your wetsuit. These racks provide adequate support, preventing unnecessary stress on seams and materials. 

A wetsuit drying rack allows proper air circulation, ensuring even drying and minimising the risk of unpleasant odours. Invest in a rack designed specifically for wetsuits or improvise with a broad, padded hanger to maintain the longevity and performance of your gear.

Where Can I Dry My Wetsuit?

Choosing the right location to dry your wetsuit is crucial for its longevity and effectiveness. Opt for a well-ventilated area with good airflow, such as a shaded outdoor space or an indoor room with open windows. 

Avoid direct sunlight for extended periods, as it can damage the neoprene material. If outdoors, use a sturdy hanger to hang the wetsuit upside down, allowing water to drain from the legs and torso. If indoors, make sure the room is well-ventilated, and consider using a fan to expedite the drying process.

How to Clean a Wetsuit?

Cleaning your wetsuit is crucial for maintaining its performance and lifespan. After each use, rinse the wetsuit thoroughly with fresh, clean water to remove salt, sand, and any debris. For more stubborn dirt, use a wetsuit-specific cleaner or a mild, non-detergent soap.

Gently scrub with a soft brush or your hands, paying attention to seams and creases. Avoid hot water, harsh chemicals, or machine washing, as these can damage the neoprene material. Hang the wetsuit to dry completely before storing it to prevent mould and unpleasant odours.

How Do You Store a Wetsuit When Not in Use?

Proper storage is essential to preserve the shape and functionality of your wetsuit during periods of non-use. Store it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight, heat, and humidity. Avoid folding or cramming the wetsuit, as this can cause permanent creases and affect its flexibility. Use a wide, padded hanger to maintain the shape of the shoulders. 

If possible, store the wetsuit inside a mesh bag or in a breathable garment bag to protect it from dust and pests. Periodically inspect the wetsuit for any signs of damage or wear and address issues promptly to ensure it's always ready for your next adventure.

What is the Quiet Way to Dry a Wetsuit?

Drying a wetsuit quietly is essential, especially in shared living spaces. After rinsing off the wetsuit, gently squeeze out excess water and lay it flat on a clean, absorbent towel. 

Pat the wetsuit with another towel to remove additional moisture. Avoid using loud fans or blowers. Instead, place the wetsuit in a well-ventilated area with minimal background noise. This silent drying method ensures your gear dries efficiently without disturbing others around you.

Why Dry Wetsuit Inside Out?

Drying a wetsuit inside out is a beneficial practice that accelerates the drying process. After the initial drying period, carefully flip the wetsuit so that the inside is exposed to the air. This allows moisture trapped inside the neoprene to escape more efficiently. 

It also promotes airflow throughout the wetsuit, preventing the development of musty odours. Drying the wetsuit inside out is especially useful for ensuring all parts of the gear dry thoroughly, contributing to a longer lifespan and a more comfortable next use.

Can You Dry Wetsuit With a Hair Dryer?

Yes, you can use a hair dryer to dry a wetsuit, but it should be done with caution to avoid damaging the neoprene material. Here's a safe method:

  • After rinsing the wetsuit with fresh water, gently squeeze out excess water.
  • Use a towel to pat the wetsuit, removing as much moisture as possible.
  • Set the hair dryer to the lowest heat setting and use a diffuser attachment to disperse the airflow.
  • Hold the hair dryer at least 12 inches away from the wetsuit and move it continuously to prevent concentrated heat in one area. 
  • Take your time and avoid overheating, as excessive heat can damage the neoprene. 

This method is suitable for quick touch-ups or if you need to use the wetsuit sooner. However, it's recommended to primarily rely on natural drying methods to preserve the wetsuit's integrity and longevity.

Summing It Up: What To Do Now

Nice now you know how to dry wetsuit fast make sure you know how to use a wetsuit hanger the right way.

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