
How To Hang a Wetsuit To Dry Correctly!

Surfers need to know how to hang a wetsuit to dry not only to have a nice dry suit to put back on, but also to protect your wetsuit. 

This step by step guide will ensure you are confident in how to hang a wetsuit correctly so your suit will be a long lasting purchase!

Let’s get into it!

How To Hang a Wetsuit To Dry (Short Answer)

To hang a wetsuit to dry effectively, rinse it thoroughly, turn it inside out, use a wide, padded hanger in a well-ventilated area, and avoid direct sunlight.

When you hang a wetsuit you want it to be protected, before you should aim to use the best wetsuit hanger you can find! 

Steps to Hang a Wetsuit To Dry

Let's walk through the steps in how to dry a wetsuit so you can head out for your next surf in a comfy, dry suit!

1. Rinse Off

Before hanging your wetsuit to dry, it's crucial to start by giving it a thorough rinse. Use fresh water to wash away any salt, sand, or other debris that may have accumulated during your water activities. This initial step helps maintain the integrity of the wetsuit material and prepares it for the drying process.

2. Inside Out

To ensure every part of your wetsuit gets the attention it needs, turn it inside out. This step exposes both the inner and outer layers, allowing for more effective drying. By inverting the wetsuit, you facilitate air circulation within the material, aiding in the removal of moisture from all areas.

3. Choose the Right Hanger

Opt for a hanger specifically designed for wetsuits – one that is wide and padded. This specialised hanger helps preserve the suit's shape and prevents unnecessary stress on the material. Place the hanger through the wetsuit arms, avoiding stress on the shoulders, to maintain its form during drying.

4. Hang Strategically

When hanging your wetsuit, use the hanger to support it at the waist area. This prevents unnecessary stretching of the shoulders and maintains the natural shape of the suit. Additionally, ensure the wetsuit is not overly stretched or pulled, as this can affect its fit and performance in the water.

5. Ventilated Area

Hang your wetsuit in a well-ventilated area. Good air circulation is essential for the drying process, as it helps expedite moisture evaporation. This not only reduces drying time but also minimises the risk of unpleasant odours and the development of mildew, ensuring your wetsuit stays fresh and ready for future use.

6. Avoid Sunlight

If you're drying your wetsuit outdoors, be mindful of direct sunlight. Prolonged exposure to the sun can lead to damage, including fading and deterioration of the neoprene material. To protect your wetsuit from these potential issues, choose a shaded spot for drying or cover it with a light-coloured towel to shield it from intense sunlight.

Why Hang a Wetsuit To Dry

Hanging a wetsuit to dry is crucial for maintaining its performance and lifespan. When you hang a wetsuit properly, it allows moisture to evaporate, preventing the growth of mould and unpleasant odours. Rinsing off saltwater and debris is the first step, as it helps preserve the material. 

Turning the wetsuit inside out aids in thorough drying, reaching all surfaces. Choosing the right hanger ensures the suit retains its shape, and strategic hanging prevents unnecessary stretching. Ventilating the area promotes faster drying, minimising the risk of mildew. By understanding why it's essential to hang a wetsuit to dry, you contribute to its longevity and ensure a comfortable and effective experience in the water.

When To Hang a Wetsuit To Dry

Knowing when to hang a wetsuit to dry is crucial to preserve its quality. Immediately after use, it's essential to rinse off salt water and debris to prevent any potential damage. Once rinsed, hang the wetsuit to dry as soon as possible. Delaying the drying process can lead to the growth of mould and unpleasant odours.

If you're unable to hang it immediately, consider using a wetsuit drying bag or laying it flat on a clean surface until you can hang it properly. By adhering to a timely drying routine, you ensure your wetsuit remains in top condition, ready for your next aquatic adventure.

How to Make Your Wetsuit Dry Faster

To dry your wetsuit fast, focus on maximising airflow. Hang it in a well-ventilated area, ensuring proper air circulation. If outdoors, select a breezy spot. 

Turning the wetsuit inside out can also speed up drying by exposing both surfaces. Gently squeezing excess water out before hanging can help, but avoid wringing it, as this may damage the neoprene material. Avoid using a tumble dryer for your wetsuit as this will cause damage to the material of your suit.

Fold or Hang a Wetsuit?

Hanging is generally better than folding when it comes to drying a wetsuit. Folding can trap moisture in the creases, prolonging drying time and potentially causing unpleasant odours. 

Use a wide, padded hanger to preserve the wetsuit's shape and ensure it dries evenly. Hanging also facilitates better airflow, promoting faster and more effective drying.

Drying a Wetsuit While Camping

When camping, finding an appropriate spot to dry your wetsuit is crucial. Opt for a shaded area with good airflow to protect it from direct sunlight and promote faster drying. Hang it on a suitable hanger or a makeshift line, ensuring it's secure. 

If the weather is damp, consider using a portable wetsuit drying bag to prevent moisture absorption.

Drying Wetsuit Inside Out

Turning your wetsuit inside out before drying is a beneficial practice. This exposes the inner lining, promoting better airflow and ensuring both sides dry thoroughly. It helps prevent moisture from being trapped within the seams and fabric folds. 

However, the overall effectiveness depends on the ventilation of the drying area. If possible, combine inside-out drying with a well-ventilated space for optimal results.

Summing It Up: What To Do Now

Now you know how to hang a wetsuit the right way it's time to implement after your next surf, enjoy!

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